Webinar image 11Most of the Costing and Pricing Learning Program is aimed at developing, interpreting and responding to financial information. By and large, the main audience are those people responsible for the management and governance of disability services organisations. However, in this webinar we explore what the NDIS means for front line staff—those people who are providing care and their immediate supervisors; people who make daily decisions regarding care, resource utilisation and prioritisation. It is designed to assist managers and directors to form their messaging for front line staff and to assist front line staff to understand the pressures and impacts the NDIS and Costing and Pricing has on the organisation as well as where they can assist.

Learning objectives:

In viewing this webinar, participants should develop an understanding of:

  1. What the NDIS means in practical terms for the organisation;
  2. What users and their natural supports may be concerned about or what they may not understand;
  3. How people providing direct care services and their supervisors can assist in making the organisation prepared for the NDIS; and
  4. What ramifications certain decisions may have on their organisation’s capacity to meet the challenges of the NDIS.

Who should view this webinar:

  • People who are front line carers and supervisors
  • Human Resources Managers and Training Managers within Disability Service Organisations
  • Senior Staff

Duration: 20 min

View the webinar in the resource section